Directorate of Complaints, Investigations and Disciplinary Affairs


  • Receiving and processing people's recommendations and complaints concerning the Judiciary and the administration of justice and generally, to act as a link between the people and the Judiciary.
  • Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, reviewing and making recommendations on the terms and conditions of service of Judges and other Judicial Officers including Chairpersons, Members and Registrars of Tribunals.
  • Researching on and monitoring the administration of justice.
  • Preparing proposals for the improvement in the administration of justice.
  • Planning and coordinating programs of the Commission in liaison with other organizations.
  • Performing any other duties assigned by the Commission.


  • Cases were disposed of
  • Disciplinary Committee meetings were held
  • Investigations were undertaken across the country.
  • Court Inspections were carried out
  • Field surveys were carried out in the magisterial areas across the country.
  • Suggestion boxes and plaques procured and installed in various parts of the country